Islandeady Rural Social Scheme
Islandeady RSS (Rural Social Scheme)
Mission Statement of Group:
The aim of the Rural Social Scheme is to provide income support for farmers and fishermen who are currently in receipt of long term Social Welfare payments, and to provide certain services of benefit to rural communities.
Brief History:
The Rural Social Scheme started in Islandeady in 2004
There are three participants in Islandeady at present and three others in Glenisland “the half-parish of Islandeady”
Current Goals and Achievements to date:
In the Graveyard:
- Cleaning of pathways and spraying in cemetery
- Installation of drainage pipes
- Concreting of driveway through the graveyard
- Currently in the process of fitting railings to the concreted area
At the Church:
- The participants assisted with the removal of seating to facilitate new carpet
- The participants dug drains and laid drainage pipes and gullies around the Church
At the Community Centre:
- Maintenance of the exterior of the centre
- Enhanced the rear of the centre with wooded fencing
- Caretaking
- Maintenance and cleaning of the interior of the centre
- Painted the hallway walls, skirting and doors
- Painted the meeting room
- Sanded and varnished of daido rail in meeting room
- Painted the kitchen ceiling and grouted the tiles
- Maintenance of photocopier
- Administration of Clerical and Office duties on behalf of the Community Council including the booking of Centre Activities and Facilities
Contact: Kathleen Feeney (094) 9021034